Ep.7 - Nacim Menu // Rubis
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Ep.7 - Nacim Menu // Rubis
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My name is Eoghan Walsh, and this is the Brussels Beer City Podcast.
My guest on today’s episode is Nacim Menu, co-founder of Brussels brewery Nanobrasserie L’Ermitage.
Nacim takes my to his favourite wine bar in St Gilles, where we talk escaping the Wallonian countryside for Brussels, being a young dad in Brussels, his journey from wine to beer via his first Cantillon lambic, how a transformative visit to Canada changed his life and set him on the path to opening a brewery - and Brussels as a proper party town.
As you will have guessed, the podcast has moved from a weekly to a bi-weekly schedule, so it should be dropping in your podcast stream every two weeks from now on. And, I’m already looking ahead to season 2, and I want to hear from listeners who they would like to see come on as guests. So send me your suggestions in the usual channels and I’ll see what I can do!
And with that, on with the show!